Call for proposals


International Colloquium

Nights in the South

First interdisciplinary approach to World Nights

September 20, 21 and 22, 2024 in Fez, Morocco

The night, a long-forgotten dimension of the city, is now very much on the agenda. This space-time, subject to pressure, and marked by contrasting representations, is now central to the marking of cities, raising questions having to do with urban planning, ecology, economic development, tourism, governance and daily life. A new interdisciplinary field has taken form around what are called "Night Studies". Strategic approaches to the night are also being deployed in many countries and on different continents, and public policies for the night are emerging at different levels and scales.

Until recent years, research on the night was mainly carried out by teams from the North, and by cities and territories in the same geographical and cultural areas, with the exception of a few metropolises in South America or Asia that were ahead of the curve in considering certain aspects, such as night-time safety, the economic value of the night or its relationship to tourism. Work is currently being carried out in the different linguistic and cultural contexts of the "Global South" and, in particular, in the Maghreb, the Mashreq, sub-Saharan Africa and other regions of the world, without the results of that work being disseminated widely or involving high levels of interaction between researchers.

This interdisciplinary colloquium on "Nights of the South" will provide an opportunity for researchers from different disciplines (planning, anthropology, art, architecture, law, geography, economics, history, engineering sciences, media studies, political science, sociology, urban planning, etc.), artists, association leaders, practitioners and elected officials from many countries to take stock of this work on and in the Global South. The aim will be to better understand the evolution of urban and rural nightlife and the ways of living and inhabiting nights at different scales according to cultures, countries, territories, cities; to identify evolutions, tensions, inequalities of access, but also strategies for the development or protection of nights carried out by different actors; and to reflect upon the preferred forms of governance of the night. Scenarios for the future of the night will also be evaluated, in particular those proposing possible new roles for the night as a space of activity in the face of global warming. We will also be interested in frameworks for observing and analyzing this space-time, for identifying conflicts of use and the innovations under way in different fields.

This questioning is deliberately broad. Which populations are invested in the night? What activities are taking place? What rhythms? What are nights like in particular regions? How are they inhabited? How are they organized? What means of formal or informal transport and mobility are deployed? Where research exists, what are the dominant approaches? What is the place of culture and religion? What do we know about traditions and rituals surrounding the night? What is the relationship of the night to gender and diverse sexualities? What is the place of women? What is the place of the elderly? What is the role of generations in shaping the night? What is the place of the non-human? What kind of cohabitation may we find in the night? What social changes unfold and assert themselves as the night progresses? What developments can be observed? Which organizations are involved? Which of these are new? What are the conflicts over use? What mediations and compromises may be found? What is the future of the night in the Global South? What role does the night play in processes of ecological transition? What are the specificities of urban nights in the South? And finally, how can these reflections contribute to ongoing thinking about the night and how may they circulate in other regions of the world?

To try to answer these questions, several non-exclusive topics will be privileged: the history and recent development of the night; territories and temporalities; events; public spaces and their appropriation; the inhabitants and users of the event; nighttime economies; lighting; tensions and conflict;; ecologies and biodiversity; inequalities; the education, training and adaptation of people, organisations and territories; innovations and improvisations; heritage and tourism, exploitation and preservation; public policies and governance, but also methodological approaches to the night .... In addition to the sample topics offered here, all proposals concerning "Nights of the South" will be carefully evaluated, regardless of their disciplinary and geographical origins.

The exchanges that will take place in Fez (Morocco) will allow us to highlight this research and contribute to a better understanding of forms of knowledge that remain overly compartmentalized. These exchanges will also lead to the dissemination of this knowledge beyond the academic sphere. The discovery of the host city and exchanges with local actors will be additional highlights of the conference. This work will enrich the international dynamic at work in the emergence of night studies, and help us to engage with the research and projects of others at new levels.

Organizing committee

Mohammed Bouzlafa, USMBA (Maroc), Abderrazak El Hiri, USMBA LIREFIMO (Maroc), El Khanchoufi Abdessalam, USMBA (Maroc), Mohamed Chadli, INSAP (Maroc), Amina Haoudi, USMBA (Maroc), Aïcha Ouazzani, UMI (Maroc), Mohammed M'hamdi, USMBA DEMO (Maroc), Luc Gwiazdzinski, ENSA Toulouse LRA (France), Will Straw, McGill, (Canada), Farzane Ajar, ENSA Toulouse LRA (France), Mohamed Melyani, Université de Picardie (France), Sanae Al Jem, ENA Rabat (Maroc), Huyen Nguyen, HAU, Hanoï (Vietnam), Thibault Cassagne, ENSA Toulouse LRA (France), Matteo Colleoni, Milano Biccoca (Italie), Souitat Abdelhak, Président de la Fondation du Livre(Maroc), Mokhlis Derkaoui Alaoui, Université Ibn Zohr Agadir (Maroc), Aziz Iraqi, INAU, Rabat (Maroc), Vincent Kaufmann, EPFL,Lausanne (Suisse), Abdellah Moussalih, ENA Tetouan(Maroc), Chris Younès, ESA (France).

Scientific committee

Mohammed Bouzlafa, USMBA (Maroc), Abderrazak El Hiri, USMBA (Maroc), Mohammed M'hamdi, USMBA (Maroc), El Khanchoufi Abdessalam, USMBA (Maroc), Mohamed Chadli, INSAP, (Maroc), Sanae Al Jem, ENA Rabat (Maroc), Christelle Alvergne, FENU (Afrique de l'Ouest), Anna Barbara, Politecnico de Milan (Italie), Anouk Belanger, UQAM (Canada), Maurice Benhayoun, City University of HK (Hong Kong), Amina Haoudi, USMBA (Maroc), Marie Avril Berthet, Leeds University (Grande Bretagne), Anne-Gaël Bilhaut, Flacso (Équateur), Alain Cabantous, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), Didier Chabaud, Paris 1 Sorbonne (France), Matteo Colleoni, Université de Milan Bicocca (Italie), Cécilia Comelli, UMR Passages (France), Mokhlis Derkaoui Alaoui, Université Agadir (Maroc), Catherine Deschamps, ENSA Paris-La Villette (France), Eleonora Diamanti, John Cabot University (Italie), Catherine Gall, Paris 1 Sorbonne (France), Hassa Mahamt Hemchi, EAMAU (Togo), François Singue Diop, UCA Diop (Sénégal), Yakham Diop, UCA Diop (Sénégal), Guillaume Drevon, EPFL (Suisse), Thomas Fouquet, CNRS (Sénégal), Luc Gwiazdzinski, ENSA Toulouse (France), Edna Hernandez Gonzalez, Institut de Géoarchitecture de Brest (France), Aziz Iraqi, INAU (Maroc), M'hammed Idrissi Janati, Mohammed V University (Maroc) Eric Le Coguiec, Université de Liège (Belgique) ; Yuanliang Liu, Guangzhou Academy of Architectural Sciences (Chine), Yolanda Macias, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Mexique), Souad Mani, Institut supérieur d'agronomique de Choot-Meriam (Tunisie), Paula Mascias, Laboratorio Cultura + Territorio (Argentina), Mohamed Melyani, Université de Picardie (France), Carlos Moreno, Paris 1 Sorbonne (France), Abdellah Moussalih, ENSAT (Maroc), Véronique Nahoum Grappe, EHESS (France), Mustafa Akalay Nasser, UPF (Maroc), Jordi Nofre, Universidade Nova de Lisbo (Portugal), Juan Carlos Rojas, ENSA Toulouse (France), Huyen Nguyen, HAU, Hanoï (Vietnam), Roger Narboni, ACE (France), Yves Pedrazzini, EPFL (Suisse), Gianni Ravelli, Politecnico de Milan (Italie), Jess Reia, University of Virginia (Etats-Unis), Papa Sakho, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Sénégal), Will Straw, McGill (Canada), Lo Marshall UCL (UK), Robert Shaw, Université de Newcascle (Grande-Bretagne), André Torre (INRAE), Teodorescu Cristiana, Universitatae din Craöva (Roumanie),Angelo Turco, IULM Milan (Italie), Ipek Tureli, McGill University (Canada), Graciela Martinez-Zalce, UNA de Mexico (Mexique), Chris Younès, ESA (France), Abdoulaye Wotem Sompare, Université Kofi Annan, (Guinée).


  • Deadline for submission of proposals : June 15, 2024
  • Response to authors: June 30, 2024
  • Confirmation and circulation of the official program : July 15, 2024
  • Conference dates : September 20-22, 2024

Instructions for submission of proposals

Proposals for presentations should be sent by email, in one of the three languages of the conference (French, Arabic and English), and in Word format, to the following email address : <>. Proposals should include the following elements:

  • the names of authors and co-authors, with information on their affiliations (first, last name, position, institution) as well as a short biographical summary for each présenter (3 lines each) ;
  • email addresses for each of the authors ;
  • a title;
  • a list of five key words
  • a summary of approximately 4,000 characters (spaces ncluded). This summary should include the key questions and approaches (conceptual framework and methodology), and the conclusions of the presentation
  • a clearly identified thematic orientation
  • a summary bibliography with full references

Each proposal will be evaluated by members of the conference's scientific committee. The Selected papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal.

The three languages of the conference will be French, Arab and English

Sample bibliography

  • Bilhaut A.-G., (2011), Des nuits et des rêves : construire le monde zápara en Haute Amazonie. Coll. Anthropologie de la Nuit 1, Société d'ethnologie, Nanterre, 148 p.
  • Bonte M., Le Douarin L. (2014), « Dans les pas de la nuit. Les rythmes urbains de Beyrouth à la tombée du jour », Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée , n°135.
  • Bronfen, E. (2013). Passages nocturnes : philosophie, littérature et cinéma , New York, Columbia University Press
  • Cabantous A. (2009), Histoire de la nuit : XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle , Paris, Fayard. Castellini A. (2003), Piacevole è la nuit , Milan, Manifesto Olibri.
  • Challéat S., Lapostolle D. (2017), « Prendre en compte les usages pour mieux éclairer la nuit », Métropolitiques , 14 décembre 2017.
  • Cauquelin, A. (1977), La Ville la Nuit, Paris, Presses universitaires de France.
  • Chatterton P., Robert H., (2003), Paysages nocturnes urbains : cultures des jeunes, espaces de plaisir et pouvoir des entreprises , New York, Routledge.
  • Chazkel A. (2017), « L'invention de la nuit : visibilité et violence la nuit tombée à Rio de Janeiro », dans Gema Santamaria et David Carey, éd. Violence et crime en Amérique latine : représentations et politique ,University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Colaboratorio (2014), Manifesto da noite, Sao Paolo, Colaboratorio.
  • Crary, J. (2013), 24/7, Le capitalisme tardif et la fin du sommeil, Livres au verso.
  • Deleuil, J.-M. (réal.) (2009), Éclairer la ville autrement, Lausanne, universités et écoles polytechniques françaises.
  • Eberling MM, Henckel D. (2002), Tout à tout moment ? Des villes en route vers une activité continue, Berlin, Institut allemand d'études urbaines.
  • Fouquet T. (2016), « Paysages nocturnes de la ville et politiques de la nuit, Perspectives ouest-Africaines, Dossier Nuits urbaines, Sociétés politiques comparées 38, janv.-avril. 2016
  • Fournet-Guérin, C. (2014), « La rocade et la ville : contournement et détournement d'usages à Antananarivo (Madagascar) », Métropolitiques , 8 octobre 2014.
  • Giordano E., Gwiazdzinski L., (2018), « La note urbaine, une nouvelle frontière pour la rizière géographique en Italie », Rivista geografica Italiana , Pacini Editore SpA, 2018, pp.437-452.
  • Guérin F., Hernandez E., Montandon A. (2018), Cohabiter les nuits urbaines , Paris, L'Harmattan.
  • Gwiazdzinski L. (2015), « La nuit urbaine : un espace-temps pour l'innovation et le développement durable », Journal of urban Research , 11, pp. 1-15
  • Gwiazdzinski L. (2005), La nuit dernière frontière de la ville , La Tour d'Aigues, L'Aube.
  • Hu W et coll. (2017), « Les nuits de Shanghai. Première approche spatio-temporelle à partir des réseaux sociaux numériques », Netcom et Communication Studies , 30, 3-4, pp.5-12
  • Hölker, F., Wolter, C., Perkin, EK et Tockner, K. (2010), « La pollution lumineuse comme menace pour la biodiversité », Tendances en écologie et évolution, 25, 12, pp. 681-682.
  • Jordi N. et coll. (2016), « Club Carib : Une géo-ethnographie de la séduction dans un bar dansant de Lisbonne », 18, 8, Géographie sociale et culturelle pp. 1175-1195.
  • Kersale Y. (1998), Lumière matière, Editions Bernard Chauveau
  • Koslovsky C. (2011), L'Empire du soir, Cambridge University Press.
  • Laín, L. (2020). Nocturnas: mientras la ciudad duerme... 1900-1960. Acción Cultural Española.
  • Maggioli, M. et al. (2019) « Géographie della notte », Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana , 1 (2), 9-22.
  • Mallet S., Burger C. (2016), « Quelle place pour la nuit dans la politique urbaine d'une ville intermédiaire française ? », Journal of Urban Research 11.
  • Mercado A. (2017), « Patrones espaciales del consumo nocturno: el caso la popular alternative en la Ciudad de México », dans José Gasca Zamora et Patricia E. Olivera Martínez, Espaces de consommation et de commerce dans la ville contemporaine, Mexique, IIE-UNAM.
  • Mexico, Gobierno de. (2022). Noctambula. Guía incluyente hacia Ciudades de 24 horas en México. Gobierno de Mexico.
  • Millet B. (2003), « L'homme dans la ville en continu » dans Gwiazdzinski L., La ville 24h/24 , La Tour d'Aigues, L'Aube, pp.87-94.
  • Narboni R. (2023), Éclairer l'espace public et le paysage, Paris, Le Moniteur.
  • Nicholls, E. (2018), Negotiating Femininities in the Neoliberal Night-Time Economy, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag GmbH.
  • Palmer B. (2000), Cultures des ténèbres. Voyages nocturnes dans l'histoire de la transgression, New York, Monthly Press.
  • Perraut-Soliveres A. (2001), Infirmières, le savoir de la nuit , Paris, PUF.
  • Poirier, J. (2022). Montréal Fantasmagorique: ou la part d'ombre des animations lumineuses urbaines. Montreal. Lux Editions.
  • Puccio-Den, D. (2023). La nuit de la parole: Écouter le silence. Publications de la Société d'ethnologie, Nanterre.
  • Pulido Llano G. (2016), La carte « rouge » du poisson : vie nocturne et vie nocturne dans la ville de México 1940-1950, Mexico, INAH.
  • Pulido Llano, G. (2016). El mapa « rojo » del pecado: Miedo y vida nocturna en la ciudad de México, 1940-1950. INAH.
  • Raharinjanahary, R., & Rajoelina, S. (2019), « Les nuits, poumons de l'agglomération d'Antananarivo », Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana , 1 (2), 151-161.
  • Roberts M., Eldridge A. (2009), Planification de la ville nocturne. New York, Routledge.
  • Sagahon, L. and Fabrizio Léon, F. (2014), Vivir la noche, Historias en la ciudad de Mexico.
    Estudio Sagahon /Conaculta.
  • Senosiain, L. B. and D. P. Zapico (Eds.) (2021)., Historia de la noche : Imaginarios, representaciones y prácticas nocturnas en México, España y Portugal, siglos xvi-xx UNAM, Instituto Investigaciones Bibliograficas, Technologica de Monterrey.
  • Sharma, S. (2013), « Parce que la nuit appartient aux amoureux : occuper le temps de la précarité. » Communication et études critiques/culturelles, 11 : 1, 5-14, 2013.
  • Seijas, A. et M. Milan (2020). « Gouverner la ville de nuit : la montée en puissance des maires de nuit, une nouvelle forme de gouvernance urbaine après la tombée de la nuit », Urban Studies I-19, 2020.
  • Shaw R. (2015), « Alive after Five : Construire la nuit néolibérale à Newcastle upon Tyne », Études urbaines , 52, pp. 456-70.
  • Straw, W. (2015), « The Urban Night », dans Darroch M. et Marchessault J. (éd.), Cartographies of Place: Navigating the Urban, Montréal, Québec, McGill Queens University Press, pp.185-200.
  • Talbot D. (2007), Réguler la nuit. Race, culture et exclusion dans la création de l'économie nocturne, Aldershot, Ashgate.
  • Varani, N., & Bernardini, E. (2019), Les espaces de vie nocturne : le cas des bush bars à Abuja. Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana , 1 (2), 195-206.
  • Wishnitzer, A. (2020). As Night Falls : Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Cities After Dark. Cambridge University Press.
  • Zhang J.-H., Wang MH (2013), « Review of Research in Ancient China's Night Market », Journal of Hebei University , 38, 5, 2013, pp.106-113.

Research partners

FSJES-USMBA de Fès (Maroc), ENSA Toulouse (France), EPFL (Suisse), McGill University (Canada), Hanoï Architectural University (Vietnam), Milano Bicocca (Italie), UCAD (Sénégal), ENAT (Maroc), AIGF (Monde).

Local partners

Les amis de Fès (Maroc), Musée Nejjarine (Maroc), Association M'TIOUA (Maroc), Médiathèque de Fès (Maroc), Fondation Club du livre au Maroc, Fabrique des communs pédagogiques (France), Plateforme européenne de la vie nocturne (France).

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